A Prayer for Pesach

Gathering the mixed multitudes in my soul
I rummage through my belongings
In preparation for leave-taking
What aspects of myself
Do I need to make the journey
What can I leave behind
To memory in the narrow places

Maybe this year, we will go out together
In broad daylight
Not in the still of the night
In no haste
Soul in Soul
Holding each other in loving compassion
Knowing we will cross together
Finding home at last
In the depth of Divine waters
That part willingly
On the shores of a wilderness

What if no one drowned this year
Confusing egoic demonstration
With truly serving You
And You need not weep
For any of Your lost children

So, let’s not leave in haste this year
But see the blessings that even
The narrow places have offered us
For no place is without You
Freedom is in Your arms
Wherever we may be
On the journey.

Shawn Israel Zevit, Passover, 2005/5765
Reprinted with permission of the author and Connections: The Newsletter of Spiritual Directors International, www.sdiworld.org. Find out more about Rabbi Zevit at www.rabbishawnzevit.homestead.com.

To 2006 Easter Greeting